7 Genarations walk

index / purpose / method / schedule / map / support / contact / blog


How can I support the 7 Generations Walk?

We would be grateful if you could provide accommodation for us. All participants will have their own tents and sleeping bags so bedding will not be necessary.

Are you involved in a local environmental protection project? Do you have an interesting project you are working on? We would love to hear about it.? If you happen to be along our route we would love to connect with you. Contact us if you want to present your activities at our events.

Events will consist of talks and music on Saturday evenings/nights and of walking? together on Sundays. We will also plan smaller events after the Sunday walks. Again, you are more than welcome to join us for a few hours.

The 7 Generations Walk will make a CD of the music we played and the stories we heard throughout the walk. We will sell reservations for the CD and original T-shirts during the walk.

We are happy to accept individual contributions; no corporate contributions will be accepted.




index / purpose / method / schedule / map / support / contact / blog